Monday, September 22, 2014

9/19 Neon Notes Update

1)  Kids assigned to become "experts" [read: focus research on] one of 3 areas:

Margaret, Sally,  Harper~   To learn about dyslexia; e.g., what is it? are there ranges/spectrums of involvement? how many people have dyslexia? when are most people diagnosed?, etc.

Jackson,  Melana , Graham~  To learn more about what (teaching) games/technology tools already exist to help people with Dyslexia learn anything.

Attia , Isaac, Anna~  to learn techniques available to teach anyone how to read music; e.g., computer programs, written instruction, games, etc. 

The general plan is for them to all spend some time outside of FLL meetings (together, solo, with Ms.Albach, parent assist, whatever works!)  and get some general findings on their chosen area to bring back to the group in 2 weeks / Oct 3rd. (did I get the date right, Sue?)

2)  Kids picked/teamed up for table/robot missions they will focus on:

~Cloud Access:  Harper and Anna

~ Sports: Isaac and Sally

~ Reverse Engineering: Jackson and Attia

~Using the Right Senses: Melana and Margaret

~Remote Communications Learning: Graham (willing to be a team of one!) :-)

The general plan for this is that the teams of 2 will get together and spend some one on one time with a coach ~ again, this will probably be outside of FLL meeting time/when it is convenient to get them together (with robots and their specific table pieces).

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